I think that everyone has that flavor they hate, but the rest of the world seems to love. I've had people hating chocolate, potato and tomato - for me it is mint. In pretty much every variety, whether it's peppermint or eucalypt, I keep it far away from my nose let alone my tastebuds!
My distaste for everything mint started at my grandmother's but it wasn't her fault really. As any grandmother does, she used to carry peppermint everywhere for the grandchildren (now for her great-grandchildren) and so she kept a big "stash" at home. Since I've lived next to my grandparents all my life (I recently moved), I used to stick my hand in the candy jar a lot. One time, I ate just a few (ahem) too many and I got so sick that I never wanted to eat anything minty ever again.
As you might expect, banning mint entirely from my palette is quite difficult in day-to-day life. With that, I mean toothpaste specifically. In the Netherlands, it's super difficult to get a non-minty toothpaste wíth fluoride. I won't bore you with my teeth problems, but I need that stuff like, really. Importing it from the States might be an option but shipping is crazy..
On the one hand, I'm kinda sad that I can't enjoy an after eight mint or a fresh cup of mint tea. But on the other hand, I'm not torn up about it. I'm wondering, what flavors do you hate that everyone around you loves?
Love mint? Check out these recipes!
Labels: Food Hates, Strange, Weird