Two weeks ago I received a "Liebster Award" from the lovely Emmelien(who blogs in Dutch). I had never heard of it upon receiving it, but what it boils down to is the person giving out the award asking a new blogger 11 questions to answer on their blog. The "winner" can then nominate 5 other bloggers, asking 11 new questions. I thought it would be a fun way to tell my readers something about myself, so here goes!
1. What do and don't you like about blogging?
I like that blogging is fast, and that you can share everyday things with your readers that wouldn't make it to say, a cookbook. That is also the biggest downside however, because it is difficult to keep your readers engaged, and being a student I can't bake or post everyday.
2. Where do you get your inspiration?
I get a lot of my inspiration through tv-shows such as the Great British Bake Off. Seeing something being made is infinitely more inspiring than only seeing a picture of the finished product.
3. What do you do on a day off?
Usually, I bake! I also really like to watch tv-shows. Some that I really like are Supernatural, Homeland and the Newsroom.
4. What did you eat yesterday?
Didn't have the most culinary day yesterday. I actually had kind of a weird dinner, where I ate a sandwich with cheese and veggies and some fries on the side. That is certainly not a regular dinner for me, usually I cook pretty healthy foods. I mean, you have to when you are a baker, or you'll end up rolling through the kitchen at some point.
5. What is your biggest failure in the kitchen?
I still can't make decent choux pastry. I am still struggling making them crisp, they always turn out soft once they've cooled down. I know every trick in the book but it just won't work!
6. What are the weirdest keywords that people ended up on your blog with?
I don't really have a weird one yet.. I've not been blogging for long enough apparently!
7. What is your favorite foodie film?
Julie and Julia. Hands down best foodie film ever. I'm waiting for the day they'll bring out "Paul Hollywood: Extreme Kneading" though. Shouldn't take long with a name like that!
8. What do you want to eat on your birthday?
Cake and lasagna. Every time!
9. What was your first cookbook?
The first cookbook that I owned was the Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook. That's pretty recent, but the ones I used before were from the library or my mom's.
10. Where did you travel last?
Well technically that would be the time I spent a few days at my friend Nadine's house. It was sort of a baking holiday, we both competed in a cake competition while I was staying over.
11. Do you listen to music while cooking?
I don't always listen to music, but when I do it's usually Kodaline or country music. Country-wise I especially like the Nashville soundtrack and Ashley Monroe at the moment.
I want to thank Emmelien for giving me the Liebster Award, I hope you guys liked the answers as much as I did giving them. If you ever have any questions for me, I'd be happy to answer them - leave a comment, or tweet me @Ramoniia
Labels: Award, Interview, Liebster, Q&A